2nd EPAL of Trikala – Greece

Website: http://2epal-trikal.tri.sch.gr

The 2nd EPAL has been a vocational school with about 330 students and 63 teachers teaching general & special education courses. Five Sectors with 11 specialities are operating in the school: Sectors of Health and Welfare, Agriculture, Food Technology and Nutrition, Economics and Administration, Applied Arts, Construction. School has all the necessary laboratory facilities, greenhouses & cultivated land, computer labs, applied arts? lab and drawing boards. The school is receiving mainly students from low social economic statuses and offers its educational services to an important number of immigrants who live in their country, which helps forming a multi?cultural environment in our school. Having a technical orientation, the main interest of students is given to the specialization they have chosen, thus there?s not much space for cultural & historical action and development. This is why being part of this project is important so that students can get a larger insight about cultural heritage about it’s own and other European countries. School has large experience in 12 EU projects as a coordinator and a partner and very motivated and experienced staff willing to cooperate and exchange of good practices.